Evolve and Adapt Marketing Consultants Singapore


Digital Transformation Toolkit for SMEs

Digitalisation focuses on employing digital technology to improve a business model or process and/ or generate new revenue sources.

Essentially, digitalisation in a business application, also known as “digital transformation”, is about transforming legacy business models to digitally-enabled ones, to achieve better business outcomes.

Accelerate your digitalisation efforts and grow your business with the blueprint laid out in this toolkit.

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SMEs that go digital have grown faster and more efficiently. This is evident in the increase in their productivity and efficiency. A recent study shows that business has experienced an average revenue gain of 26%.

In Singapore, the government has stepped up calls for local businesses to digitally transform and support efforts through various funding options such as the Go Digital grant, Enterprise Development Grant (EDG), and Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG).

While most businesses know that they need digitalisation, many are unclear how it applies to their business and how they should digitally transform.

Here is an original digital transformation framework developed by Evolve & Adapt that will provide a roadmap to guide businesses on their digital transformation journey.

Digitalisation can be divided into three pillars:

    • Digital Business Management
    • Digital Marketing
    • Digital Solutions
Learn more by downloading the “Digital Transformation Toolkit for SMEsHERE.


If you need professional consultation or assistance to apply for a 70% government grant to fund your digital transformation, please contact Astreem Consulting below.